Monday, May 24, 2010


Hello There! Welcome! Come in! Come in! Pull up a seat, gather your mats if you care to join in, and visit my world of crafting for a while.

I am currently addicted to knitting small toys. It began with my sisters announcement last fall that she was expecting. I love knitting baby items and recently discovered the joy of knitting toys, and it just sort of snowballed when I decided I'd knit him a mobile.
It turned out pretty well and I've found a new aspect of an old hobby to occupy my free time. Here are some closeups of some of the critters hanging from it:

These were all made up as I went along, using pretty basic knitting skills. Since knitting only really involves 2 stitches (knit and purl) any creation in knitting is simple manipulation of those stitches and putting them together in various ways to get the item to look how you want.


Ah dear, remember that baby my sister was having? He's now 6 weeks old and demanding attention. More to come later!


  1. I love it, it's so colorful! I can't decide if the bee's my favorite, or the bird. :)

  2. They're so cute! And your knitting is waaaay better than mine. Just shows I need more practice. Now I can look for tips on your blog too!
